Add An Exclusive Archival-Quality Art Print To Your Space

At A Full 100% Discount


Be Among The First To Hang A Limited Release "Dark Poetry" Piece On Your Wall Before The Collection Is Even Displayed Publicly

  • Pick your favorite of the options below to get a certified 12-inch replica of the original (Printed on gallery-quality stock.)
  • Instant access to a hand-selected library of Print-At-Home Artwork (A huge selection of pieces you can immediately print, frame, and enjoy!)
  • Insured shipping (Replacements sent in the event of any damage or loss.)
  • Full 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee (Don't like what you receive? No problem, you'll get a refund of the shipping and you can keep the print anyway.)

Michael de la Guerra is an artist and a retired freelance writer who--under the name Michael Lopez--has been featured as a case study in the Harvard Business Review, published in The Huffington Post, banned from writing for Buzzfeed (long story), and featured as an expert in Fast Company, The Wall Street Journal, and more. He’s ghostwritten for NFL players and bank CEOs alike but remains at the mercy of NDAs signed during a decade-long copywriting career working with sought-after digital marketing agencies on high-converting campaigns for some of the largest names in business. He works in academia now and spends his creative energy on visual art and poetry.



From A Dark Studio Desk

Hollywood, CA

June 10th, 2024

Hi hi hi there, new friend,

Pardon the interruption, and thanks for stopping by to take a look at my work. 


LIMITED RELEASE: on this page only you'll get an exclusive fine-art-preservation-quality print from one of my collections for free, and before it's displayed publicly.

Why Would I Give My Art Away For Free And Why Would You Want It?

Well, first, because if you’re still here then we’ve got similar enough tastes given I was able to snag your attention with my advertising.

This means you might like my art, and I want to get it into the hands of as many people who might appreciate it as possible.

I threw away an almost decade-long career as a professional writer to focus on the art collections I’m set to release soon.

My life depended on it—I almost lost my mind.

Sure, I’m proud of what I accomplished, like:

  • Working with sought-after copywriting agencies on their biggest accounts for huge household names in business I’m barred by NDA to mention
  • Ghostwriting for NFL players, and penning speeches for CEOs of financial institutions
  • Being featured as a case study in the Harvard Business Review, published in The Huffington Post, banned from writing for Buzzfeed (long story), and quoted as an expert in Fast Company, The Wall Street Journal, and more. 

But it destroyed me.

I attempted to do all this and pursue my own creative projects: books, screenplays, story collections, etc.

To perform well as a creative professional concurrently left me with no mental bandwidth.

Depression, dark thoughts about whether I still enjoyed existing, and the idea of trying to cope with leaving a career that was tied to my identity were slowly eating me alive.

It was a dark time; so I walked away.

That Brings Me To You: Here’s Why I Might Go Broke Getting These Pieces Out To The World, Starting With Yours

Hollywood, California isn’t the nicest, but I’ve always enjoyed a bit of urban decay.

It’s good inspiration.

I rented a new studio right in the heart of it all, got a job in academia that wouldn’t deplete my creative reserves so much.

And I no longer gave up any of my artistic energy to anyone besides myself.

Now, I’m gearing up to show around multiple art collections—one of which I’d like you to be a part of.

I spent almost two years on my dark poetry collection “Midnight’s Paradises,” and I’m going to give away as many free prints as I can afford.

It might sound crazy, and that’s because I am in many ways, crazy. 

But there are completely logical reasons for me to do this:

FIRST, you want something new, something beautiful, something original, and you appreciate handsome aesthetic design and poetic prose.

This is a collection with a voice: each piece speaks through its visual expression but is accompanied by descriptive language that adds an artistic depth to your experience.

SECOND, gifting these prints to as many people as possible allows my work to reach a larger audience.

Which is worth more to me than anything else; if I was in it for the money, I’d have stayed in advertising.

It’s as simple as that, so if you’d like to partake…

Down below you can choose your favorite piece and I’ll personally get it printed for you on high-grade stock, with archival-quality processing, and get it out to you as quickly as possible.

***NOTE: Only one per person. 

Numbers are limited for this specific offer because I will go broke if I’m not careful, and I want to make sure I can reach as many people as I can with the limited resources I have.

If this page is still up, we’re in good shape to get you a print (once I’m out the page comes down).

Even Better: I Stand Behind A Generous Money-Back Guarantee, Which Is A Bit Audacious But Worth Your While...

I’m confident you’ll love the quality of the artwork or I’ll refund what you paid, in full, and you can keep the print anyway (or gift it to someone else, please, just don’t trash it or I’ll be sad).

All you have to do if you’re not satisfied is contact me directly with the details on your receipt and I will personally refund every penny. 

I take all the risk and we call it a day.


  • Scroll down below the note here
  • Take a look at everything I’ll send you
  • Fill out the form with your info on the next page
  • Hang your new piece of art on your wall within a couple of weeks

If you have any questions, you can send me an email at

Your valuable time and attention are appreciated, and I can’t wait to send you your new artwork. 

Michael de la Guerra


Here's The Deal: A Summary For People Who Like To Scroll

  1. You’ll get a 100% discount on a high-quality print from my unreleased collection so that I can get it into the hands of someone who appreciates well-crafted design and art
  2. Just cover shipping and I’ll personally get a print made and sent to you, backed by a 100% money-back guarantee—if you’re unsatisfied, I’ll refund your money and you can keep the print
  3. If this page is still up, I’m still making prints, and have not gone broke yet
  4. To make it easier for you to decide, I’ve even included a bundle of bonuses you can access right away while you’re waiting for your print to arrive

Midnight’s ParadiseS: A Dark Poetry Collection

by Michael de la Guerra

This collection is for the curious and ever-inquisitive minds in pursuit of wisdom, wherever it may be concealed; only you know what paradises exist in the darkness others dare note explore. Inspired by the neoclassical gothic revival of the Dark Academia aesthetic, this collection contains original photography, design, and pre-published poetry by Michael de la Guerra accentuated by dark, muted, and earthy tones of comfort and passion. Individual themes shaped the direction of each piece: words became poems specific to photographs and/or artwork, or visuals were designed to magnify the romantic pensiveness of previously written verse. A melancholic wit commands the prose, with room for inspiration to bleed through pieces like The Curious One, while the use of humor and irony in Monumental Mortality complements the motifs of dark realism with a bright, cultural self-awareness.

These are F***ING gorgeous. I wasn't expecting this at all. I am blown away.

Casey M.

Fellow poet and author of 4 poetry collections


Here's What You Get

  • Your choice of 6 different art prints
  • Archival-grade printing on gallery-quality stock
  • Official certifications of authenticity
  • The option to upgrade the size of your print
  • Limited time 100% discount for the artwork, just pay shipping

BONUS: Immediate access to a whole library of digital art prints you can print out and frame--over 70 dark floral designs, poetic art pieces, and photography I've never shared with anyone.

GUARANTEE: If you don’t love the print you receive, you can get a full refund, no questions asked, and you can keep the print.

Omg, I love these floral prints so much. Thank you for the extra set. They're all so beautiful and your poetry is amazing. I'm so glad I own one of your very first art prints to ever go on sale!


Never surprised by the the thought you put into every detail down to the material these are printed on, but I am always surprised by the artistic ingenuity that goes into your work. These will live with me and the fam wherever we go.


Choose Your Print

Nothing to Say


Dark Poetry Art Print

Original Minimalist Design

Tell For Me


Dark Poetry Art Print

Original Photography

The Curious One


Dark Poetry Art Print

Original Design

Sliced Open


Dark Floral Poetry Art Print

Original Design



Dark Poetry Art Print

Original Design



Dark Poetry Art Print

Original Photography & Design

  • Tell For Me

    If I lose my mind before meeting the love of my life, tell her I said, “Hi”; 

    also, please make sure she knows cancer isn’t caused by Red 40 in food dye;

    And it’s probably better you don’t tell her I died, that’s lame, just lie; 

    say something cool, like I flew to Cancun with my boys but never arrived.

    She doesn’t have to know that none of “my boys” desire a trip to Cancun; 

    Or that sometimes I anxiety-vomit at work in the afternoons; 

    She won’t care about my sordid relationship with pills and ice cream;

    Just please, please don’t mention the women I date who are all still married.

    You can tell her kindergarten-age me once stole a Power Rangers shirt; 

    from a kid who laughed at me during recess when I fell into the dirt;

    I wore my brand new drip on the bus ride home proudly since I deserved it; 

    But when Dad saw the shirt, I confessed, and he made me return it.

    That was the day I learned about the risk-to-reward ratio of telling a lie; 

    And why we all pick and choose what we tell people throughout our lives;

    So if in fact you meet bae before me, you don’t have to lie after, “Hi”; 

    Tell her I was super cute, funny, and overall just a really great guy.

  • The Curious One

    An ambient light’s flicker keeps the soft pulse of darkness beating at night;

    It shines from your study, flaring higher as each page turns in your mind;

    In pursuit of true wisdom, you torch both wax ends of joy and despair;

    Alone in the madness, your morbid longings and dark secrets laid bare.

    No one can miss your devilish wish to be enlightened and all-knowing;

    But those who truly know knowing know there to be no total knowing;

    Knowledge persists as inexhaustible, immortal, unbound, and undying;

    You know this, of course, but infinity’s hurdle is one you’ll die climbing.

    Under what stars endure, our whole waking world sits alone in the dark;

    Natural order’s chaos in symmetry leaves us all with holes in our hearts;

    Those blind to the heartache and misery pump blood that’s gone rotten;

    To know the divine is to know well the darkness they’ve all but forgotten.

    The Acheronian undercurrents surge through the psyche’s river of self;

    While the curious one stands at the edges, under wicked twilight itself;

    Resilience heals only scars you deem worthy when night turns to day;

    To know the thrills of love, don’t let the heart’s scars become chains.


    Trust the fine geometric lines of your tastes along every abnormal twist;

    Keats speaks to you in autumn notes, rich shades of brown in the mist;

    Verdant tints of forest vigor conceal your once bare walls and your doors;

    A map of the heavens hangs in constellation with scribblings of Yore.

    Books line the ground, line the wall, line the soul of the curiously inclined;

    Death’s kiss leaves dried blossoms with a forever stain of beauty in time;

    Once we wilt and snap like old stems to live only within frames on a wall;

    The curious one sees tragedy not in death, but in never having lived at all.

    Never feasting on what philosophy lurks in libraries and flea markets alike;

    Never making love while Chopin serenades you under the bare moonlight;

    To never have questions of the cosmos answered back to you in a dream;

    And to never find God in rolls of film as they project onto a cinema screen.

    So, curious one, pack your old soul in a bag before it knows any better;

    Turn days into words you’ll write out by hand for loved ones in letters;

    To tell the tale of your own secret history will be your greatest endeavor;

    Go and be the one to alter existence so furiously that you live on, forever.

  • Sliced Open

    By thorns you've learned to keep sharp all your life.

    But a vibrant blooming rose whose pretty petals grow and fall away;

    Wouldn’t be much of a rose at all without its sharpest thorns anyway.

  • Moonlight

    I'm not crazy;

    Just a bit deranged;

    I guess to some;

    It's all the same.

  • Wicked

    The whole waking world sits together, alone in the dark;

    How many of us do you think have holes in our hearts?

    And whose just have a few scabs that won’t ever go away?

    Because they like to rip them off and bleed again each day.

    To preach “life equals misery” (as if we’ve forgotten);

    Or “existence free of pain turns human beings rotten”;

    Well, resilience heals only scars you deem worthy, I say;

    And love making life worth it is a much stronger cliché.

    So remember, we’re alone with the world in the dark each day;

    And a lucky few have other lonely someones around them who stay;

    Darkness is only wicked if you see it that way;

    So please, don’t let your heart’s scars turn to chains.

Michael, who are you? I'm forever in awe of you and what you create. You're like this amazing visual artist and poet. I got stuff in the mail today and I was like, what? My boy. He's so talented. I'm so excited. They're beautiful. I honestly want to get them framed and put up on the wall right away. They're so beautiful. hauntingly beautiful.

Evangeline Thompson

I wish my girlfriend looked at me the way she looks at the prints I bought her. Not sure how to feel, but thank you for the surprise bonuses, and regardless of my envy, your commitment to quality deserves credit.

Ben S.

Los Angeles, CA

Excellent stuff, sir. You are great at combining visuals with words, just as you are at designing them both separately. And the print quality is superb.

Sonny C.

Los Angeles, CA

Michael, these are so beautiful, thank you. I mean, I "knew" you cared about quality but these prints are stunning."

Alicia I.

Long Beach, CA

And Here's Some Shots of Me So You Know I'm Not Absolutely Full Of Sh**


REMEMBER: It's Already Free, But If You Don't Love It, I'll Refund Your Shipping Cost And You Can Keep The Print

Oh, And Did I Mention It Will Last You 100 Years?


My Lifetime Inspiration Promise

I'm so confident you'll be blown away by the craftsmanship of your print that I'm putting my money where my mouth is. If for whatever reason you aren't satisfied, simply notify me. I'll refund every penny you paid for shipping and handling. And you can keep the print.

In a world increasingly consumed by disposable digital media, choosing to own a museum-quality physical art print is a statement. It's a commitment to surrounding yourself with enduring artistic cognizance you can hold, feel, and connect with forever.

Because this is about more than just buying art.


Your Print Will Outlive You For An Entire Generation Because Of The Paper It's Printed On: Here's What "Archival Quality" Really Means

When your new artwork slips out into your hands I want you to know this: you’re making an investment.

These are not throwaway decor pieces destined for basement boxes or thrift stores in a few years.

Each print is produced on Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper—a museum-grade stock rated for over 100 years of display life before any fading or deterioration occurs. This isn't the cheap stuff - Fujicolor's proprietary coating and materials lock in a breathtaking tonal range, vibrant colors, and profound density for more than a century.

Just as the artistic concepts I explored in Midnight’s Paradise transcend eras and artistic movements, so too do the physical prints endure as perpetual sources of inspiration.

Whether hung proudly as a centerpiece over your writing desk or on any sort of personal sanctuary's halls, your archival-quality print will remain for decades upon decades.

Long after trends have come and gone, digital platforms have evolved and collapsed, your print will endure as a permanent conceptual rendering of our current moment in time.


Don't Miss This Opportunity

I'm giving away as many free prints as I can to build an audience of passionate art collectors and lovers of the dark romantic aesthetic. Once these initial pieces are claimed, the collection's official release will be offered at full price.

If you appreciate craftsmanship and want to enrich your space, don't let this chance pass you by.

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