"The Most Interesting Copywriter In The World" Shares:

The PROVEN System You Can Use To Get Freelance Writing Clients Quickly, So You Can Get Paid Well For Your Words And Actually Make A Full-Time Living As A Writer 

(Especially If You're Just Starting Out And Don't Have Any Experience)

Just enter your info below to download the guide + The Bonus Chapter: "The Exact Method I Used To Get A Retainer At A Major Copywriting Agency"

Here's What You'll Discover Inside:

  • How to charge $1K (or more) for 1,000 words by taking an unusual approach to content writing
  • Different ways to make money as a writer that no one talks about which can set you apart from everyone else (these will make you 10X more valuable than all the other writers who beg for gigs and shamelessly try to plug themselves in every Facebook group available to them)
  • Can you really make money on bidding sites like Upwork? It’s possible, but if you don’t focus on the strategy I cover on page 8, you WON’T make a dime
  • A largely unknown way to see exactly what other writers are getting paid right now
  • How even the most popular writers on the internet use a specific kind of writing to make money
  • A technique you can use to get CEOs to pay more for your writing than some people’s monthly salary 
  • Two valuable “pockets” of the industry to focus on that will save you months of time and  allow you to charge more for your writing without having to worry about scaring clients away
  • What you need to know if you want to get paid to write FB ads or email copy (and how to get your clients to immediately recognize your expertise)
  • The ONE thing you must do if you want to consistently get paid thousands of dollars a month to write (anyone can get lucky and land a job for a few hundred bucks, but if you want to make a living, you have to focus your attention here)
  • The “scientific formula” you can use to determine if you’ll make money in an industry or a niche BEFORE you try to break into it
  • Do you really need a website to start a freelance writing biz? I scaled to $5K without one, and I share the counter-intuitive way I did it on page 12
  • Exactly how to get high-paying clients so YOU can get paid well as a writer, quit your job, work remotely, travel, and FINALLY feel the freedom that comes from writing for a living (honestly, just knowing that I have the ability to take an afternoon off to spend time with friends is one of life’s biggest luxuries).

PLUS, a BONUS chapter: 

“The Exact Method I Used To Get A Retainer At A Major Copywriting Agency” 

man reading newspaper in bulletin board

Where You'll Discover How To:

  • Get retainer clients even if you literally have ZERO experience or proof of results (this is a step-by-step walkthrough of the strategy I used to scale to $5K/month and quit my job)
  • Create potent copywriting people can’t stop reading (did you see the grammatical errors in the above copy? And you’re still here, right?)
  • Get your clients to trust you in just a few minutes by using a secret Hollywood screenwriting technique (A-List screenwriters use this to draw the reader into their story, but no one else is applying it to freelance writing)
  • Position yourself as more valuable than writers who have years of experience (I’ll share a time-tested marketing strategy used by the world’s biggest brands like Apple and Nike that you can adapt to stand out against everybody else in your industry)
  • Use the most valuable piece of writing advice I ever got from the world’s greatest living copywriter to get high-value clients to hire you

Michael Lopez is a message-driven content designer and copywriter. He helps modern businesses who are transforming their industry communicate on a grand scale. Because even the sharpest leaders don't always have the right words to express how they change people's lives. As one of the head copywriters at Conscious Copy & Co., he's worked on some of their highest converting campaigns, for some of some of their biggest clients, including Brendon Burchard, Joe Polish, and dozens of others, across dozens of industries, including: law, real estate, functional medicine, contracting, healthcare, consulting, and more. He's ghostwritten for NFL players, multimillion dollar entrepreneurs, and household names in business that he's bound by NDA to never speak of. He's been featured as a case study in The Harvard Business Review, published in the Huffington Post, has been banned from writing for Buzzfeed (which is a long story), and quoted as an expert in Fast Company, New York Magazine's "The Cut," The Wall Street Journal, and more. He spends his free time on screenwriting, filmmaking, and traveling the world taking pictures. Because of this, his entrepreneur friends dubbed him "The Most Interesting Copywriter In The World" (though he still has a hard time accepting this moniker). He lives in Los Angeles, where he's working on his first novel, with his cat Romeo.


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"The Freelance Writer's Guide To Making Money"

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